Very Special Opening / In the Garden of Mindy / No Place Like Homeless / Katie Ka-Boo / Baghdad Cafe
Clown and Out / Bubba Bo Bob Brain
Cartoons in Wakko’s Body / Noah’s Lark / The Big Kiss / Hiccup
Chairman of the Bored / Planets Song / Astro-Buttons
O Silly Mio / Puttin’ on the Blitz / The Great Wakkorotti: The Summer Concert
Draculee, Draculaa / Phranken-Runt
Hot, Bothered and Bedeviled / Moon Over Minerva / Skullhead Boneyhands
Moby or Not Moby / Mesozoic Mindy / The Good, the Boo and the Ugly
You Risk Your Life / I Got Yer Can / Jockey for Position
Testimonials / Babblin’ Bijou / Potty Emergency / Sir Yaksalot
Hercule Yakko / Home on De-Nile / A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Opportunity Knox / Wings Take Heart
Be Careful What You Eat / Up the Crazy River / Ta da Dump, Ta da Dump, Ta da Dump Dump Dump
Guardin’ the Garden / Plane Pals
The Flame / Wakko’s America / Davy Omelette / Four Score and Seven Migraines Ago
Hearts of Twilight / The Boids
Meatballs or Consequences / A Moving Experience
Pavlov’s Mice / Chicken Boo-Ryshnikov / Nothing But the Tooth
Roll Over, Beethoven / The Cat and the Fiddle
Chalkboard Bungle / Hurray for Slappy / The Great Wakkorotti: The Master and His Music
Space Probed / Battle for the Planet
La La Law / Cat on a Hot Steel Beam
Hello Nice Warners / La Behemoth / Little Old Slappy from Pasadena
Garage Sale of the Century / West Side Pigeons
No Pain, No Painting / Les Miseranimals
King Yakko
Wally Llama / Where Rodents Dare
The Big Candy Store / Bumbie’s Mom
Piano Rag / When Rita Met Runt
Temporary Insanity / Operation: Lollipop / What Are We?
Taming of the Screwy
Hooked on a Ceiling / Goodfeathers: The Beginning
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