Southern Fried Hospitality

A building boom is sweeping the state of Florida to such an extent that even the wildlife is fighting for space to live in. Among the hardest hit is the alligator. Take the case of Seminole Sam: he’s hard-put to find food. After failing to beg or borrow something to eat, he’s finally reduced to reading a cookbook for ideas. He learns how to prepare “Fricassee de Woodpecker.” Now to find a woodpecker! In reading Modern Screen, featuring Woody Woodpecker on its front page, he gets an idea and writes Woody a letter inviting him to entertain some troops. Seminole Sam then arranges a stage: a frying pan on top of a hot stove behind some curtains. Woody arrives, and Seminole Sam immediately puts him on top of the stage (the frying pan) and stokes up the stove. Woody performs, getting hotter by the minute, as Sam, between short acts, garnishes his prospective meal. Sensing something fishy, Woody discovers the cookbook page with the recipe for “Fricassee de Woodpecker,” and he turns the tables on Seminole Sam by substituting Sam’s tail for wood as he adds more fuel on the fire in the stove. His tail badly scorched, Seminole Sam rushes into the water to cool it. Finally after an episode in a motorboat, Seminole Sam himself is seated in the frying pan as Woody adds kerosene to the fuel with burning emphasis.
