The Old Grey Hare

Elmer Fudd is sitting by a tree crying because he can’t catch that wabbit, Bugs Bunny. The voice of God tells Elmer to “try, try again.” But how long will it take? The voice tells Elmer to look far into the future, “past 1950, 1970, 80, 90…up to 2000 A.D.” An old, wrinkled Fudd picks up a newspaper: “Smellovision Replaces Television.” Instead of a rifle, he has a “Buck Rogers Lightning-Quick Rabbit Killer.” An old, bearded Bugs Bunny pops up, asking, “What’s up, Prune Face?” and chokes the elder Fudd. Elmer shoots his ray gun and knocks Bugs out. Bugs performs a classic death scene, taking out a photo album of memories. The two reminisce about their very first meeting as babies. A cute little baby Elmer finds little Bugsy Bunny drinking carrot juice in a bottle, which he smashes over Fudd’s head. Elmer chases baby Bugs; they take a nap and resume the chase. Bugs hides behind a tree. As Elmer sneaks around it, the bunny razzes him with a tuba. Elmer pulls out his baby carriage racer, but Bugs, pretending to be a traffic cop, pulls him over. When little Elmer gets wise, Bugs shouts in his face, “You ain’t just whistling Dixie!” Back to the future, the old Bugs starts to dig his own grave. He bids his friend goodbye, they both cry, and, before you know it, Bugs has tricked Fudd into the grave (Bugs says, “So long, Methuselah!” as he shovels dirt over his old foe). Buried alive, Elmer is just glad to be rid of that rabbit. Bugs hands Elmer a farewell gift, a bomb which explodes after the fadeout, shaking the “That’s All, Folks!” end logo.
