Fowled-Up Birthday

This is the story of how the Beary family acquired their pet goose, Goose. A very special event is taking place in the Beary home. The family consists of Papa (Charlie) and Mama (Bessie) Beary and their children- Junior and Susan (Suzy). It’s Susan’s birthday, and preparations for a party are in progress. Mama Beary has baked a cake with frosting and candles on it. Papa Beary goes to the meat market to buy a chicken for Susan’s birthday dinner, because her favorite food is fried chicken. The butcher has a live goose that’s giving him much trouble, and he vows to get rid of it. Papa Beary enters the butcher store and asks for a chicken. The butcher asks Papa how he’d like a nice, fat goose at one-half the price of a chicken. Papa falls for the half-price bait, and he takes home the goose, all bound up with rope. When Susan sees the vicious goose, she thinks that her daddy has brought home a pet for her. As Papa Beary goes to sharpen his axe, Susan takes the ropes off from the goose, and she and the goose become good friends. His axe sharpened, Papa Beary returns for the goose. A furious struggle ensues, the goose chasing Papa into the house. Papa gets bitten and runs, shouting, “Mad goose! Mad goose!” Papa returns with his shotgun and sees Susan feeding the goose. Changing his tactics, he tries to entice the goose with food. He successfully lures the goose into a shed, and again, a furious fight follows. After several more bouts take place, Papa finally gives up, and we see Susan and the goose enjoying the birthday together as Papa, all bandaged up, glowers at the goose.
